Friday, January 24, 2014

To hot to sew? Okay - prep time! weather we've been having huh?!

Too hot some might say for sewing? I'm not convinced – I personally managed to sew a dolly quilt while it was a blazing 45C outside;(and about 43C inside as our A/C decided that the hot weather was a good time to take a wee holiday!

I do admit though that my leather sewing chair was not a place I wanted to spend too long sitting during the high peak of the heat – I was much happier downstairs in the cool relief, resting? No PREPPING!

You see I found this last couple of weeks the perfect time to prep upcoming work. To do all those horrid jobs that we hate to do so that we can get to the fun part of actually sewing and creating something.

So this week I printed patterns, traced pieces and cut fabric. Then put everything in neat little bags ready to sew up when the weather allowed. It also gave me some much needed time to organise fabric (wash it too...dried in minutes!) and realise that I have WAAAAAAY too much fabric – though I'm not ready to 
admit to an addiction just yet!

So the heat may have been horrible and long lasting – but it wasn't unbearable. Sewing days are planned now in advance and all those little jobs that would have taken half my sewing time away from me are already done! So next time a hot front is forecast...close the blinds, draw the curtains, look out the patterns and prep prep prep x

I would like to send a special thanks to the wonderful fire fighters who in my books are true hero's for what they do everyday and while I was busy prepping they were busy saving lives – Thankyou! ♥

My signing off advice when you're hot..have some ice cream – or better yet sew some up!

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